TheCodeMan .NET Newsletter


• Reach: 13,250+ subscribers
• Average Open Rate: 55%
• Audience: Software Engineers | Software Architects | CTOs | Web Developers

Reserve your sponsorship by sending me an email:
Previous Sponsors: Postman, Neo4j, Packt, OptimaJet, Treblle, Snappify,, TIOBE, etc.

Sponsorship opportunities

  • Shared Sponsorship
  • $300.00
  • 1 of maximum 2 sponsors per issue
  • Sponsorship will remain live forever on website
  • 2 links per sponsorship
  • 2 sentences maximum
  • Reserve here
  • Exclusive Sponsorship
  • $350.00
  • Only your sponsorship per issue
  • Sponsorship will remain live forever on website
  • Logo included
  • 2 links per sponsorship
  • 2 sentences maximum
  • Reserve here

Available once a month only

  • Sponsored Content
  • $500.00
  • **Article or tutorial related to .NET or C#
  • Sponsorship will remain live forever on website
  • Logo included
  • Reserve here

*Article or tutorial related to C#/.NET

The entire newsletter issue is written on the topic of the sponsor's product/service so that it fits into the C#/.NET content.